Its all over..

Solo Performance has been a fabulous module and I am thoroughly glad that I have chosen it. During the module of course you are working on your own and it has not been easy. When you have struggled to come up with an idea, you haven’t had another group member to fall on. The process and the performance is all down to you. Nevertheless, I have certainly enjoyed the challenge and it has been amazing to be given the opportunity to create any performance of your own choice. It’s not easy but when the hard work pays of, it is so worthwhile. The key for solo performance is to choose a topic you are interested in or are passionate about, then you are half way there already.

How I feel my performance went?

At the beginning of my performance, I was extremely nervous and I remember my heart pumping through my chest so fast. What if I do this wrong? Oh my goodness, I am so scared. What if they think it’s rubbish? However I told myself, I knew what I was doing. I had rehearsed this so many times now, what could possibly go wrong. I started to relax and really enjoy myself. I was over the moon with how many laughs I was getting. I couldn’t believe that the audience found the performance funny. The more I could see them enjoying it, the more I was relaxing and giving my performance everything I have got. I had worked hard to pull this off and it was an amazing feeling receiving that justification and acceptance from the audience. The impressions of my Mother and Yiayia went down tremendously well and audience members came up to me after the show telling me how that was there favourite part. I was embarrassed, in case I was making a fool of myself. With Solo Performance if something goes wrong it’s down to you, you haven’t got no one else to blame. Angelo Tsarouchas has been a huge influence in my work alongside elements of Eric Bogosian and Spalding Gray’s performance. There work has shown me how effective a solo performance can be and has helped to guide me in creating a successful performance. Comedic performances are very challenging as there is a risk of not having the audience on board which can defeat the purpose of the show. A repeated comment I received from audience members is that they liked the structure of my performance. As it was not all comedic throughout it had the dip of the Turkish invasion in which they found interesting as they never knew about it. I feel that the elements of having the food involved in the performance worked really well as it got the audience involved and created an intimate personal environment. To conclude, I didn’t think all the food would get eaten however the majority of it went which I was very pleased about!

If I was to undertake this module again and be given the opportunity to perform once more, I would definitely believe in myself! I do feel at the beginning I struggled with confidence which did however grow throughout the performance. On that note, I feel Solo Performance has been extremely valuable and has helped me develop many core skills for performing. I have truly relished this module and I am delighted that I had the opportunity to participate in it.