Key Foods

So making Greek food is not the easiest. I don’t know how my Mum and Yiayias do it but it is challenging!  If i was back home in London, I would have got them to make me some dishes to use in my performance but unfortunately I cant do that because I’m here in Lincoln. I cant really ask them to post me food because that don’t really work, so I’m left down to my own initiative. I don’t want to attempt to cook something difficult for it to be awful and put my audience of Greek food for life! Therefore, these past few days I’ve been trying to find a solution of what I can come up with! I have attempted to look at Greek restaurants in the area to see if they had anything to offer and I have only discovered one actual restaurant that caters Greek food. Unfortunately there menu didn’t have the traditional dishes that I wanted.

Nevertheless, I have now finalised my dishes and I’m going to create a Greek Meze starter.

This will include;

  • Pita Bread with tzatziki and hummus dips.
  • Greek salad with feta cheese seasoned in Cypriot olive oil, lemon and salt.
  • Vine leafs with seasoned rice inside – (Koupebia) as we call them .
  • Cyprus olives.
  • Finally a shot of Ouzo to wash it down.


My Greek Meze platters for the picnic will look something like this. Little selections of mine and my family’s favourite Greek traditional foods.  I also believe this works better for the performance, as it is a picnic theme and these are foods which us Cypriots would genuinely take on our picnic as they are finger foods which cause minimal mess!

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