The Artist is Present.

These past few weeks have been all about the research for me. My performance has the potential to be something unique, something that the Lincolnshire audience has never seen. Nevertheless it also has the potential to become very messy.

To make sure my solo performance is successful, I needed to pinpoint my ideas down for the show and “think about the impact it will have on an audience” (Twaits, 2015). Within the solo performance module, the artist is present during the show and this “allows the artist to have complete creative control and tell the story they want to tell which is rare to find elsewhere in the industry” (Twaits, 2015).

With this in mind, I will be focussing on two key practitioners Eric Bogosian and Spalding Gray. I believe that both these practitioners fit well within the show I want to achieve.  There performances are inspiring and engaging through the use of their autobiographical storytelling. A technique which I will be using throughout my performance to help me tell the stories of the Greek Cypriot community.


Twaits, M. (2015). WHAT MAKES A GREAT SOLO PERFORMANCE?. [Blog] Roundhouse Radio. Available at: [Accessed 23 Apr. 2016].

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